User's ManualEPSON®4008123601-03
lTwo built-in Letter Quality fonts, Roman and Sans Serif, forproducing high-quality documents.lA 360 x 360 dot per inch graphics mode.•A micro-adjustm
ROMANWe’ve just seen your excellent ad forminiature zebras in a recent back issue ofTrader’s Times.What is the price schedulefor quantities over one g
Character SpacingTo select character spacing, press the PITCH button until theindicator light of the desired character spacing comes on.10 CPI17 CPIPI
The following printout compares the five pitches with proportionalspacing.This is 10 cpi printing.This is 12 cpi printing.This is 15 cpi printing.This
Selecting a Character Set and TableSelecting an International Character SetInternational character sets provide you with the characters andsymbols use
In addition to the eight character sets shown above, the seveninternational character sets that follow can be selected with asoftware command: ESC R.
Choosing a Character TableDIP switch 1-4 selects either the italic character table or the EpsonExtended Graphics character table. The Epson Extended G
Using the Data Dump ModeThe data dump mode is a special feature that makes it easy forexperienced users to identify the cause of communication problem
To interpret the sample data dump printout, examine the first threehex codes on the second line of the printout sample (20 20 54). Eachhex code 20 rep
Chapter 4Software and GraphicsEnhancing Your Printing . . . . . . .Print Quality and Fonts . . . . . .Character Spacing . . . . . . . . . . .Character
Enhancing Your PrintingYou can obtain a wide variety of printing effects with the LQ-860printer, from changing the number of characters per inch to us
lPull Tractor Unit (C800161)This option improves the performance of continuous paperhandling. It is especially useful with continuous multi-part forms
Note: High-speed draft is available only with 10 cpi printing.Underlining and double-width printing can be combined withhigh-speed draft. If other enh
In fixed cpi spacing each character is given the same amount ofspace. The width of proportional characters, however, varies fromcharacter to character
Both 10 and 12 cpi printing and proportional spacing can bereduced to about 60 percent of their normal width using thecondensed mode. This mode is par
Emphasized and double-strike printingEmphasized and double-strike printing can give words and phrasesadded prominence. In emphasized mode, the printer
Underlining, strike-through, and overliningThe underline, strike-through, and overline modes are useful forhighlighting selected text. This feature ca
GraphicsThe dot graphics mode allows your printer to produce color or blackand white pictures, graphs, charts, or almost any other pictorialimage you
Color GraphicsWith a color ribbon and the appropriate software, you can printgraphics in up to seven colors. Be sure your graphics programsupports col
Twenty-four-pin graphicsThe graphics mode that takes full advantage of this printer’s printhead is 24-pin graphics. This mode has five densities, but
By adding the appropriate label numbers together, you can fire anycombination of pins. Below are three examples of how to calculatethe number that wil
Your printer has one command that allows you to use any of the 11graphics options. The format of the command is:ESC * m nl n2 dataIn this command, m s
lFilm Ribbon Cartridge (#7764)The optional film ribbon cartridge provides you with evenhigher quality printing than the standard fabric ribbon.l Inter
To find nl and n2, divide the total number of columns by 256. Theresult is n2; the remainder is n1. Because the command is set up fortwo numbers, you
Designing Your Own GraphicsWith what you know now, you can use the simplest application ofgraphics-calculating by hand the data to print the graphic i
Write the assigned values of the pins next to your design, then totalthe values for each column of dots. These totals are the values thatyou send to t
Below is the BASIC program that prints the design shown on theprevious pages. Note that the data numbers in lines 80 through 140are the same numbers t
Adding the following lines to the preceding program causes thepattern to print 10 times in a row as shown below:15 FOR C=1 TO 10: RESTORE65 NEXT CIndi
The letter s represents the command that you wish to change theassignment for (K, L, Y, or Z) and m is the number of the graphicsoption that you want
User-defined CharactersWith this printer, it is possible to define and print characters of yourown design. You can design an entirely new alphabet or
Design gridsTo design a character you use a grid that is 24 dots high-one dotfor each pin on the printer’s print head. The width of the charactermatri
There is one restriction in designing characters. Dots in the samerow may not print in adjacent columns. This means that there mustbe an empty dot pos
Data numbersThe bits within each byte have values of 1,2,4,8,16,32,64, and 128.In the vertical column of dots, the bits are arranged so that the mosts
Finding your way around• Chapter 1 contains information on unpacking, setting up,testing, and connecting the printer. Be sure to read and followt
You have seen how to design a character by placing dots on a gridand translating the dots to decimal equivalents. The last step indefining a character
Following the specification of the range of characters to be definedin this command are three data bytes, d0, dl, and d2, that specify thewidth of the
This example of a character definition program should make thisclear:18 LPRINT CHR$(27)"x0"20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0);30 LPR
Printing User-defined CharactersIf you entered the previous program example, you defined an arrowand placed it in the RAM location for ASCII code 64 (
Copying ROM Characters to RAMAfter running the program, if you select the user-defined characterset and try to print other characters, the only one th
Letter Quality CharactersIf you select Letter Quality printing with the ESC xl command, youcan design user-defined characters using up to 29 columns o
Because superscript and subscript characters are smaller, when youdefine them you only need two bytes of data for each vertical row ofdots. Design gri
If you define characters in one mode, then switch to another modeand select the user-defined character set, the command is ignoredand nothing is print
Chapter 5Using the Printer OptionsThe Cut Sheet Feeder...5-2Installation...5-2Loading P
The Cut Sheet FeederThe optional cut sheet feeders make it possible to handle single-sheet paper more easily and more efficiently. Up to 150 sheets of
Application NotesAlso included in the box with your printer is a booklet calledApplication Notes. It contains information on using specific softwareap
2.Make sure the printer is turned off. Lift the paper guide cover upand off the printer.3.Remove the paper guide.Using the Printer Options5-3
4.Push the paper release lever back to the single-sheet position.5.Remove the paper tension unit by pressing the levers back toopen the mounting latch
6.Tilt the cut sheet feeder slightly forward to fit the notches at thebase of the unit over the pins on the printer. Then tilt the feederback until it
8.Turn on the cut sheet feeder mode by setting DIP switch 1-7 toon.Note: Always make sure that the printer is turned off beforechanging the DIP switch
Loading Paper1.Make sure the printer is turned off. Check that the cut sheetfeeder mode is turned on with DIP switch 1-7. Then turn on theprinter.2.Pu
3.Slide the left paper guide to where the fin on the edge guidematches the arrow on the panel. Next, slide the right paperguide so that it roughly mat
5.Insert the stack of paper between the paper guides, aligning itwith the left edge of the guide. Then adjust the right paper guideuntil the paper is
6.Push the paper set levers back until they clamp the paperagainst the guide rollers. The levers will not close completely iftoo much paper is used. I
Running the self test is the same as when the cut sheet feeder modeis off. The steps below are for a self test in draft mode.1.Make sure that the prin
Loading EnvelopesYou can print on plain, bond, or air mail envelopes. The cut sheetfeeder can hold up to 25 plain or bond envelopes, or 30 air mailenv
Chapter 1Setting Up the PrinterUnpacking the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2Checking the Parts. . . . . . . .
2.Push down on the two front levers on the left and right paperguides until they lock into position.3.Take a stack of envelopes and fan it; then tap i
Operating the Cut Sheet FeederAfter stacking paper in the cut sheet feeder, turn on the printer andmake sure that the ON LINE light is on. When the pr
LOAD/EJECTWhen there is no paper in the printer, press thisbutton to load the paper. (Note that paper loadsautomatically when you print.) When there i
Using Continuous PaperThe printer allows you to easily switch between the cut sheet feederand the tractor feeding system without having to remove eith
5.Raise the paper path guide until it clicks open. This guide directsthe flow of continuous paper out of the front of the printer.Using the Printer Op
6.Raise the continuous paper support on the paper path guide.7. Press the ON LINE button. The printer loads continuous paperand goes on line.Note:lWit
Switching back to the cut sheet feederTo switch back to using the cut sheet feeder, press the ON LINEbutton to take the printer off line, and then fol
3.Push the paper release lever all the way back to the single-sheetposition.5-20Using the Printer Options
Loading Single SheetsYour cut sheet feeder also has a single-sheet loading feature. Thisfeature is especially useful because it allows you to switch t
Removing the Cut Sheet Feeder1.Turn off the printer and remove any paper stacked in the cutsheet feeder.2.Open the cut sheet feeder cover and remove i
Unpacking the PrinterChecking the PartsWhen you unpack the printer, make sure that you have all the partsshown below and that none have been damaged.P
3.Tilt the back of the cut sheet feeder forward to release its notchesfrom the printer’s pins. Then lift up and remove the cut sheetfeeder.Using the P
4.Replace the paper tension unit as shown below. Tilt the unitback and position the back notches on the unit over the rearmounting pins of the printer
The Pull TractorThe optional pull tractor (C800161) provides optimum continuouspaper handling. The pull tractor is especially useful with continuouspr
2.Remove the paper guide.3.Remove the paper tension unit by pressing the levers back toopen the mounting latches. At the same time, lift up the front
4.Hold the pull tractor with the knob to the right. Fit the rearnotches on the tractor over the rear mounting pins of the printer.5.Tilt the tractor u
6.Pull the paper release lever all the way forward to the pulltractor position.CAUTION: You cannot use the short tear-off function withthe pull tracto
2.Raise the paper bail. Slide the right sprocket unit to the right andopen both sprocket covers.3. Make sure that the printer is off line and then pre
4.Pull the sprocket lock levers toward you to release them.5.Adjust the sprocket units to match the width of the paper. Placethe paper support evenly
6.Fit the holes of the paper over the tractor pins on the sprocketunits, adjusting the position of the sprocket units as necessary.7.If the paper does
The Pull Tractor8.See that the paper is not crooked or wrinkled and lock thesprocket units in place.CAUTION: Make sure that the sprocket units of the
After removing the parts, save the packing materials in case youever need to transport your printer.The LQ-860 comes with one black ribbon cartridge (
10. Attach the paper guide. Then slide the edge guides together sothey meet at about the middle of the paper’s width. The paperguide separates the pri
Removing the Pull Tractor1.Remove the pull tractor cover and the paper guide.2.Tear off any printed sheets or extra blank sheets.3.Press the ON LINE b
4.Remove the continuous paper from the built-in push tractorunit.5.Turn off the printer. Then, pressing the tabs on the pull tractor,tilt it back and
6.Replace the paper tension unit as shown below. Tilt the unitback and position the back notches on the unit over the rearmounting pins of the printer
The Multi-Font ModuleThe optional Multi-Font Module (#7407) gives you an easy way tohave access to seven more fonts for your printer. After you instal
PrestigeWe've just seen your excellent ad forminiature zébras in a recent back issue ofTrader's Times.What is the price schedulefor quantiti
OCR-AWe've just seen your excellent ad forminiature zebras in a recent back issue ofTrader's Times.What is the price schedulefor quantities
InstallationWARNING: Always turn off the printer before you insertor remove the module. Installing or removing the modulewhile the power is on may dam
4.Turn on the printer. Then select SLOT A or SLOT B by pressing theFONT button on the SelecType panel.DRAFT SLOT AFONTROMANSLOT BSANS SERIFINote: This
2. Lift the paper guide cover and slide it back until the tabs on thecover fit into the raised slots on the printer. Leave the paperguide cover restin
There are two ways to select a font from the module:lWith the printer turned off, dial the family number of the fontwith the rotary switch on the modu
The Interface BoardsA number of optional interfaces are available that supplement thecapabilities of your printer’s built-in serial and parallel inter
Note: Some interfaces may not be available in all countries.All Epson interfaces have the Epson name printed on them. If theboard has an identificatio
2.Remove any installed printer options such as the pull tractor orthe cut sheet feeder. Then, open the paper guide cover andremove the paper guide.3.T
6.Remove the shield plate above the parallel interface by pressingin on the plastic clips located on the back of the plate inside theprinter.7.Remove
The Interface BoardsInstalling the boardThere are two basic types of interface board designs, which slightlychange the way they are installed in the p
2.Use the CG screw to attach the round end of the FG wire to themain board and position the other end as shown.3.Align the interface board with the CN
4.Attach the plug end of the FG wire onto the FG pin located ontop of the interface board.If the FG wire is attached, follow these steps:1.Set the DIP
3.Holding the interface board level, rotate it counterclockwise intoposition above the main board. Then lower the interface boardinto the printer and
Attaching the interface board cover1.Reattach the interface board cover and secure it with the screwyou removed earlier.2.Replace all parts and option
4. Use the cross-head screwdriver that came with the printer tounscrew and remove the two transport locking brackets. Lookstraight down inside the pri
Chapter 6MaintenanceCleaning the Printer...6-2Replacing the Ribbon...6-4Transporting the Prin
Cleaning the PrinterTo keep your printer operating at its best, you should clean itthoroughly several times a year. Follow the steps below:1.Make sure
WARNINGS:lNever use alcohols or thinners to clean the printer,because these chemicals can damage the componentsas well as the case.lBe careful not to
Replacing the RibbonReplace the ribbon when the printout becomes too faint. Thefollowing Epson replacement ribbon cartridges are available:#7762: Stan
2.Holding the print head, not the ribbon cartridge, move the printhead to about three inches from the left side toward the center ofthe printer.3.To r
4.To remove slack in the new ribbon, turn the ribbon-tighteningknob in the direction of the arrow.Note: The film ribbon cartridge has a slightly diffe
6.Turn the ribbontightening knob again to make sure the ribbonmoves freely.7.Holding the print head, not the ribbon cartridge, slide the printhead fro
8.Close the printer cover and the paper guide cover.6-8Maintenance
Transporting the PrinterBefore you transport your printer some distance, carefully replace itin the original box and packing materials, as described b
4.Open the printer cover, and remove the ribbon cartridge and theplaten knob.5.Using the cross-head screwdriver, reattach the two transportlocking bra
EPSONLQ-860User’s Manual
Choosing a Place for the PrinterThere are several important things to consider when selecting aplace to set up your printer. Keep the following in min
6.Close the printer cover and the paper guide cover.7.Fit the printer back into the white packing material and thenback into its original box.Maintena
Chapter 7TroubleshootingProblems and Solutions...7-2Power Supply...7-4Printing...
Problems and SolutionsThis chapter discusses problems you may encounter whileoperating your printer and their likely solutions. If you are havingdiffi
lSwitching between single sheets and continuouspaper cannot be performed properly.See 7-24lThe short tear-off function does not operateproperly.See 7-
Power SupplyProblemSolutionPower is not beingsupplied.The POWER light doesnot go on.The POWER lightcomes on then goes off.The light stays off evenwhen
PrintingProblemThe printer does notprint.The ON LINE light ison but nothing isprinted.The ON LINE light isoff.The PAPER OUT lightis on.SolutionThe sof
ProblemThe printer does notprint (continued).SolutionThe printer sounds likeit is printing, butnothing is printed.The printer makes astrange noise, th
ProblemSolutionThe print is faint oruneven (continued).The printout is faint.Dots are missingin the printedcharacters orgraphics.A line of dots ismiss
ProblemPrinted charactersare not what youexpected.The typestyle orcharacters that are setby the software cannotbe printed.The Roman, Sans Serif,or Dra
ProblemSolutionPrinted charactersare not what youexpected(continued).Graphic characters orThe wrong character table is selected. Iflines are being pri
The illustration below shows a good printer arrangement.Note: Before using a printer stand, read these requirements andsuggestions.l The stand should
ProblemSolutionPrinted charactersare not what youexpected(continued).The wrong graphicscharacters are printed.The characters printedare smaller thanex
ProblemSolutionPrinted charactersare not what youexpected(continued).The printer prints aseries of strangecharacters.The print position isnot what you
ProblemSolutionThe print position isnot what youexpected(continued).Text is printed with anextra blank line inbetween, even aftersetting the auto line
ProblemSolutionThe print position isnot what youexpected(continued).Page length does notmatch the length of thepaper.Regular gaps occur inthe printout
ProblemSolutionThe print position isnot what youexpected(continued).Skip over perforation isset, but the perforationdoes not fall in thecenter of the
ProblemSolutionThe print position isnot what youexpected(continued).Vertical printed linesdo not align or gapsappear in lines orgraphics.The color pri
Paper HandlingThe following section guides you through problems in handlingsingle sheets and continuous paper. If you are having problemsusing the opt
ProblemSolutionSingle sheets do notfeed properly(continued).When the LOAD/EJECTThe paper release lever may be set in thebutton is pressed, the wrong p
ProblemSolutionSingle sheets do notfeed properly(continued).When the LOAD/EJECTThe paper may have been between thebutton is pressed, theedge guides be
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly.When the LOAD/EJECTbutton is pressed, theplaten does not rotateand paper does notfeed.When the LO
Assembling the PrinterAfter you’ve decided on the best place to set up your printer, thenext step is to install the platen knob.Installing the Platen
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).The paper feed iscrooked or the paperjams.The paper supply may be obstructed by acable
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).The paper feed iscrooked or the paperjams (continued).Regular gaps occur inthe printou
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).Skip over perforationdoes not function.Skip over performation isset, but the perforati
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).The short tear-offYou may not have turned off the powerfunction is selectedafter setti
ProblemSolutionContinuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).When printing labels,the labels either do notfeed or feed incorrectly.Switching betwee
ProblemSolutionSwitching betweensingle sheets andcontinuous papercannot beperformed properly(continued).The paper release leveris correctly set forcon
ProblemSolutionSwitching betweensingle sheets andcontinuous papercannot beperformed properly(continued).Even with the paperrelease lever setcorrectly
OptionsProblemSolutionUsing the cut sheetfeeder, the paperdoes not feedproperly.The LOAD/EJECTbutton is pressed, butthe platen does notmove and the pa
ProblemSolutionUsing the cut sheetfeeder, the paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).After a print commandis sent from thecomputer, the platenrotates,
ProblemSolutionUsing the cut sheetfeeder, the paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).After a print commandThe left and right paper guides may beis sent
Installing the Ribbon CartridgeYour printer’s ribbon cartridges are designed for easy installationand removal. You install the standard ribbon cartrid
ProblemSolutionUsing the cut sheetfeeder, the paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).The paper feed isThe paper may be old or creased. Discardcrooked.i
ProblemSolutionUsing the cut sheetfeeder, the paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).One page of printinghas spread to twopages.When printingThe two fr
ProblemSolutionUsing the pulltractor with thepush tractor,continuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).Paper feed is crooked orthe paper jams.Some
ProblemSolutionUsing the pulltractor with thepush tractor,continuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).Paper feed is crooked orthe paper jams(cont
ProblemSolutionUsing the pulltractor with thepush tractor,continuous paperdoes not feedproperly(continued).Skip over perforation isset, but the skip h
ProblemSolutionUsing the fontmodule, themodule’s fonts donot print.The font module is set,The font module may not be fullybut the fonts in theinserted
ProblemSolutionUsing an optionalinterface, the printerdoes not operateproperly(continued).The printer does notprint or the printout isnot what you exp
ProblemUsing an optionalinterface, the printerdoes not operateproperly(continued).SolutionThe printer does notprint or the printout isnot what you exp
Chapter 8Technical SpecificationsPrinter Specifications... 8-2Printing...8-2Paper...
Printer SpecificationsPrintingPrint method:Print speed:24-pin impact dot matrixQualityCharacters per inchCharacters/second/lineHigh-speed draft10300No
4. Slide the print head approximately three inches toward themiddle of the printer.CAUTION: Never move the print head while the printer isturned on be
Printable columns: Character spacing Maximum printed characters 10 cpi 8010 cpi condensed13712 cpi9612 cpi condensed160Buffer:6KB or 0KB (panel bu
PaperPaper feeding methods: FrictionBuilt-in push feed tractor with papertension unitPull tractor (optional)Single-bin or double-bin cut sheet feeder(
Printable area:Single sheet0.33 inch(8.5 mm) minimum0.12 inch(3.0 mm) minimum0.53 inch(13.5 mm) minimumNote: Printing on paper from 9 to 10.1 inches w
Continuous paper0.35 inch(9 mm) minimum0.51 inch (13 mm) minimumNote: The minimum for the right and left margins increases to0.98 inch (25.0 mm) when
Envelope0.33 inch(8.5 mm) minimum0.12 inch(3 mm) minimum0.87 inch(22.0 mm) minimumNote: Envelope printing is only available at normal operatingconditi
Notes:lThe use of 24 lb paper is only available at normal temperature.lPrinting past the edge of envelopes, multi-part forms, labels,or paper that is
MTBF:4000 power-on hours (at 25% duty)Print head life:200 million strokes/wire (fabric ribbon)100 million strokes/wire (film ribbon)100 million stroke
EnvironmentTemperature:Operation:41° F to 95° F (5° C to 35° C)Storage:-22° F to 150° F(-30° c to 60° C)Humidity (withoutcondensation):Operation angle
Interface SpecificationsYour printer is equipped with both a parallel and a serial interface.For specifications on optional interfaces, see the manual
SignalReturnPinPinSignalDirectionDescription1230PEOUTA HIGH signal indicates that the printeris OUT of paper.13-----SLCT OUTPulled up to +5 volts thro
6. Hold the ribbon cartridge while gently squeezing the two ridgedplastic tabs together; then lower it until it snaps into place. Theside hooks in the
llllThe column heading “Direction” refers to the direction of signalflow as viewed from the printer.“Return” denotes the twisted-pair return, to be co
Printing enabled/disabled signals and control conditionsThe table below shows the relationship between printing beingenabled or disabled, the on line/
Signal levelMark (1) -3 V to -27 VSpace (0) +3 V to +27 VHandshakingHandshaking by DTR signal or X-on/X-off. The DTR signal changesto mark-meaning the
Option SpecificationsCut Sheet FeederBin and stackercapacity:Single sheet:Envelopes:*Up to 150 sheets of 22 lb(82g/m2) paperUp to 185 sheets of 17 lb(
Paper storagecondition:Temperature: 64° F to 72° F(18° C to 22° C)Humidity:40% to 60%EnvironmentalTemperature:Operation:Storage:41° F to 95° F (5° C t
InitializationThere are three ways that the printer can be initialized (returned to afixed set of conditions).Hardware initializationlWhen the power i
Default SettingsThe following table shows the default conditions that become validwhen the printer is initialized.ItemReset to:Top of form positionCur
Chapter 9Command SummaryData Flow Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2Using the Command Summary...
Data Flow ProcessThe diagram below shows the basic data flow process up to the timeoutput is printed.llllThe data received by the printer is first sto
Using the Command SummaryThis chapter lists and describes all the commands available on theprinter.The first part of this chapter lists all commands i
7. Turn the ribbon-tightening knob again to make sure the ribbonmoves freely.8. Grasp the print head and slide it from side to side to make sureit mov
Variables are represented by italicized letters such as n, n1, and m.The variables are explained in the comments section.Note: Some application progra
For example, in BASIC you can turn on proportional spacing witheither of these statements:LPRINT CHR$(27);"p";CHR$(1)LPRINT CHR$(27);"p
Commands in Numerical OrderThe following list shows control codes and ESC sequences withtheir decimal and hexadecimal values, and the page where thede
ASCIIDec. Hex.DescriptionPageESC *42 2AESC +432BESC -452DESC / 47 2FESC 04830ESC 25032ESC 35133ESC 45234ESC 55335ESC 65436ESC 75537ESC :583AESC <60
ASCIIDec.Hex.DescriptionPageESC N78 4EESC 0794FESC P80 50ESC Q8151ESC R8252ESC S 083 53ESC S l8353ESC T8454ESC U8555ESC W 8757ESC Y89 59ESC Z905AESC \
Commands Arranged by TopicThis following section lists and describes all the commands by topic.See the Quick Reference card at the back of this book f
DC3Deselect PrinterFormat:ASCII code: DC3Decimal:19Hexadecimal 13Comments:Puts the printer into the deselected state until the select printercode (DCl
ESC UTurn Unidirectional Mode On/OffFormat:ASCII code:ESC U nDecimal:27 85 nHexadecimal: 1B 55 nComments:The following values can be used for n:1: Tur
MSB ControlMSB means the Most Significant Bit. MSB control (ESC =, ESC >,and ESC #) does not work for graphics or user-defined characters.ESC =Form
BELFormat:ASCII code: BELDecimal:7Hexadecimal: 07BeeperComments:Sounds the printer’s beeper.Data ControlCRFormat:ASCII code:CRDecimal:13Hexadecimal: 0
CAUTION: Film ribbon cartridges must be used andstored within the following temperature ranges:Operation: 60° F to 95° F (15° C to 35° C)Storage: -22°
Vertical MotionForm feedingFFFormat:ASCII code:FFDecimal:12Hexadecimal: 0CForm FeedComments:Prints the data in the print buffer and advances the paper
ESC C 0Set Page Length in InchesFormat:ASCII code:ESC C 0 nDecimal:27 67 0 nHexadecimal: 1B 43 00 nComments:Sets the page length to n inches. The valu
Line feedingLFFormat:ASCII code: LFDecimal:10Hexadecimal: 0ALine FeedComments:When this command is received, the data in the print buffer isprinted an
ESC 2Format:ASCII code:ESC 2Decimal:27 50Hexadecimal: 1B 32Select 1/6-inch Line SpacingComments:Sets the line spacing to l/6 of an inch for subsequent
ESC JPerform n/180-inch Line FeedFormat:ASCII code:ESC J nDecimal:27 74 nHexadecimal: 1B 4A nComments:Advances the paper n/180 of an inch. The value o
ESC bSet Vertical Tabs in ChannelsFormat:ASCII code:ESC bcnl n2. . .0Decimal:27 98 c nl n2 . . . 0Hexadecimal: 1B 62 c nl n2 . . . 00Comments:Function
Horizontal MotionMarginsESC 1Format:ASCII code:ESC 1nDecimal:27108 nHexadecimal: 1B 6C nSet Left MarginComments:Sets the left margin to n columns in t
BSBackspaceFormat:ASCII code:BSDecimal:8Hexadecimal: 08Comments:Prints out data in the print buffer, then moves the print positionone space to the lef
ESC \Set Relative Print PositionFormat:ASCII code:ESC \ nl n2Decimal:27 92 nl n2Hexadecimal: 1B 5C nl n2Comments:Determines the position (relative to
ESC DSet Horizontal TabsFormat:ASCII code:ESC D nl n2 . . . 0Decimal:27 68 nl n2 . . . 0Hexadecimal: 1B 44 nl n2 . . . 00Comments:This command allows
Attaching the Paper GuideWhen you use single sheets, the paper guide helps to feed the papersmoothly and efficiently into the printer. Attach the pape
ESC kFormat:ASCII code:ESC k nDecimal:27107 nHexadecimal: 1B 6B nSelect Typestyle FamilyComments:This command affects only the Letter Quality typestyl
FeatureDec.Hex.10 cpi00012 cpi101Proportional202Condensed404Emphasized808Double-strike1610Double-wide3220Italics6440Underline12880For example, for dou
Print Size and Character WidthESC PSelect 10 CPIFormat:ASCII code:ESC PDecimal:27 80Hexadecimal: 1B 50Comments:Selects 10 character per inch printing.
ESC pTurn Proportional Mode On/OffFormat:ASCII code:ESCpnDecimal: 27172 nHexadecimal: 1B 70 nComments:Turns proportional mode on and off.The following
ESC SISelect Condensed ModeFormat:ASCII code:ESC SIDecimal:27 15Hexadecimal: 1B 0FComments:Duplicates the SI command.DC2Cancel Condensed ModeFormat:AS
ESC SOSelect Double-wide Mode (one line)Format:ASCII code:ESC SODecimal:27 14Hexadecimal: 1B 0EComments:Duplicates the SO command.ESC W Turn Double-wi
ESC wTurn Double-high Mode On/OffFormat:ASCII code:ESC w nDecimal:27119 nHexadecimal: 1B 77 nComments:Doubles the height of all characters.The followi
ESC FFormat:ASCII code:ESC FDecimal:27 70Hexadecimal: 1B 46Cancel Emphasized ModeComments:Cancels the emphasized mode selected by ESC E.ESC GSelect Do
ESC S 0Select Superscript ModeFormat:ASCII code:ESC S 0Decimal:27 83 0Hexadecimal: 1B 53 00Comments:Prints characters about two-thirds of the normal c
ESC (-Select ScoreFormat:ASCII code:ESC ( - n1 n2 md1 d2Decimal:27 40 45 nl n2 md1 d2Hexadecimal: 1B 28 2D n1 n2 md1 d2Comments:Use decimal or hexadec
3. Raise the paper guide until it locks into place.Note: To lower the paper guide, lift up slightly to release it fromits locked position; then gently
ESC -Turn Underline Mode On/OffFormat:ASCII code:ESC - nDecimal:27 45 nHexadecimal: 1B 2D nComments:This mode provides continuous underlining includin
Word ProcessingESC aSelect JustificationFormat:ASCII code: ESCanDecimal:27 97 nHexadecimal: 1B 61 nComments:Sets the type of justification.The followi
Character TablesESC t Select Character TableFormat:ASCII code:ESC t nDecimal:27116 nHexadecimal: 1B 74 nComments:Selects the character table used by c
ESC 5Cancel Italic ModeFormat:ASCII code:ESC 5Decimal:27 53Hexadecimal:1B35Comments:Cancels the mode selected by ESC 4.ESC RSelect an International Ch
User-defined CharactersSee Chapter 4 for sample programs and full information on thistopic.ESC &Define User-defined CharactersFormat:ASCII code:De
ESC %Format:ASCII code:ESC % nDecimal:27 37 nHexadecimal: 1B 25 nSelect User-defined SetComments:This sequence is used to print the user-defined (down
GraphicsSee Chapter 4 for sample graphics programs. See the table underESC * for graphics modes.ESC K Select Single-density Graphics ModeFormat:ASCII
ESC Z Select Quadruple-density Graphics ModeFormat:ASCII code:ESC Z n1 n2Decimal:27 90 n1 n2Hexadecimal: 1B 5A nl n2Comments:Turns on 8-pin, quadruple
ESC ?Reassign Graphics ModeFormat:ASCII code:ESC ? s mDecimal:27 63 s mHexadecimal: 1B 3F s mComments:Changes from one graphics mode to another. The v
AppendixProportional Width Table...A-2Character Tables...A-6A-l
FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT FOR AMERICAN USERSThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digitaldevice, pursuant to
Testing the PrinterNow that your printer is fully assembled, you can use its built-inself test function to see that the printer is working correctly b
Proportional Width TableThis table lists the widths of your printer’s proportional characters.The values given are in 360ths of an inch. (For example,
Code CHR WidthCode CHRWidth30/2030/2018/1218/1218/1236/2436/2436/2442/2842/2830/2030/2030/2036/2436/2436/2436/2442/2830/2030/2036/2442/2830/2030/2018/
Character TablesThese character tables are selected by DIP switch 1-4 or the ESC tsoftware command. For the Epson Extended Graphics charactertable, us
GlossaryNote that these definitions apply specifically to printers. If a word isitalicized, see that topic for more information.application programA s
byteA unit of information consisting of eight bits.carriage return (CR)The control code that returns the print position to the left margin.When issued
data dumpSometimes called hex dump. A troubleshooting feature. When theprinter is in the data dump mode, each code that it receives isprinted in hexad
draft modeOne of three print qualities available on your printer. Draft usesfewer dots per character for high-speed printing. See also high-speeddraft
With the color ribbon cartridge installed, the self test prints in sevencolors: black, magenta, cyan, violet, yellow, red, and green.With the black ri
high-speed draftOne of three print qualities available on your printer. High-speeddraft uses a minimum number of dots per character for high-speedprin
memoryThe printer, like a computer, has a memory. When you print a filefrom a computer, the contents of the file are transferred quicklyfrom the compu
paper-out sensorA small switch behind the platen that sends a signal when it is notin contact with paper, informing the printer and remote computertha
push tractorA built-in device that feeds continuous paper through the printer.RAMAcronym for Random Access Memory. The portion of the printer’smemory
tractorThe part of the printer that moves continuous paper through theprinter by its sprockets gripping the holes in continuous paper.unidirectional p
IndexCommand descriptions are not indexed here. To locate the page number ofa specific command, see Chapter 9 or the Quick Reference card.Accessories,
Control panelbuttons, 3-3--4features, 3-5lights, 3-2operating, 3-2--5SelecType, 3-4Courier font, 5-37, 5-42Cross-head screwdriver, l-2, 1-5Cut sheet f
Help, where to get, Intro-6Hex dump, see Data dump modeHigh-speed draft, 4-2--3font, 3-21-23mode, l-16, 3-7, 3-10Horizontalmotion, 9-20--23tabbing, 9-
OCR-A font, 5-37, 5-39, 5-42OCR-B font, 5-37, 5-39, 5-42ON LINEbutton, 3-3light, 3-2Operation, checking, l-23--26Optionsproblems, 7-27--37see Cut shee
Printerassembling, l-8--15cleaning, 6-2--3connecting to computer,1-27--31location for, l-6--7maintaining, 6-l--11options, using, 5-51--52plugging in,
3.4.While holding down the LINE FEED button (draft mode) orFORM FEED button (Letter Quality mode), turn on the printer.The printer beeps three times a
Skip over perforation, 3-7,3-ll--12, 9-15SmartPark feature, Intro-l, 2-16Spacing, 3-4, 3-24--25, 9-26--29Special paper, 2-23--31Specifications, 8-2--1
Commands Arranged by TopicThis section lists all the commands. The numbers in the columns on the right arc thepage numbers in Chapter 9 where a comple
The DIP Switch Tables* You can select an international character set when DIP switch 1-4 is OFF, or select a graphicscharacter set when DIP switch l-4
EPSON AMERICA, INC. 2780 Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, California 90505EPSON ®Printed in Japan 90.09 .4
5.Move the left edge guide to the right or left until it lines up withthe triangular guide mark on the paper guide.6.Adjust the right edge guide to ma
7. Next, slide a sheet of paper down between the edge guides untilit meets resistance. After about two seconds, the printer loadsthe paper automatical
If the test results are not satisfactory, see If the Self Test Doesn’tPrint later in this chapter for possible causes and solutions.Note: To resume th
Here are parts of typical self tests.Normal draft modeCount t-yUSAFranceGermanyU.K.DenmarkSwedenItalySpainCG tableItalicSW1-1 1-2 1-3on on onon on off
Letter Quality mode!“#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL!“#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLM“#$%&&ap
Problem SolutionThe printer does notprint.The printer sounds likeit is printing, butnothing is printed.The test did not print.The ribbon may not be in
Problem SolutionThe print is faint oruneven.Printed charactershave part missing atthe bottom as shownhere.ABCDThe printout is faint.Dots are missing i
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1.Read all of these instructions and save them for later reference.2.Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the p
Problem SolutionDots are missing inthe printedcharacters orgraphics.(continued)Dots are missing inrandom positions.ABCDThere is either too much slack
Connecting the Printer to Your ComputerYour printer has two separate interface connections: a parallelinterface and an RS-232C compatible serial inter
The Parallel InterfaceConnect the parallel interface cable as described below:1. Make sure that both your printer and computer are turned off.2. Plug
4. If your cable has a ground wire, connect it to the ground screwbeneath the interface connector.5. Plug the other end of the cable into the computer
2. Plug the connector securely into the printer.WARNING: Do not plug more than one interface cable intothe printer at once. This may damage the printe
4. If your cable has a ground wire, attach it to the groundconnector beneath the interface connector.5. Plug the other end of the cable into the compu
Setting Up Your Application SoftwareNow that you have set up and tested the printer, you should makesure that it works with your application programs.
Chapter 2Paper HandlingSelecting a Paper Feeding Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2Using Single Sheets ...
Selecting a Paper Feeding MethodThe paper release lever on the LQ-860 has three positions for usewith the various methods of paper feeding. When you s
Using Single SheetsYour printer can accommodate single sheets up to a maximumwidth of 10.1 inches (257 mm).If you do most of your printing on single s
10. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that thetotal of the ampere ratings on the products plugged into theextension cord do no
3.Turn on the printer. The POWER and PAPER OUT lights come on.Note: Do not insert paper in the printer before turning on theprinter.4.Open the paper g
5.Move the left edge guide until it lines up with the guide mark.(You may want to change this position later, depending on themargin settings of your
7.Slide the paper down between the edge guides until it meetsresistance and the PAPER OUT light goes off. After about twoseconds, the printer loads th
You are now ready to begin printing.To eject the paper, press the ON LINE button to take the printer offline; then press the LOAD/EJECT button.Reloadi
Using Continuous PaperThe tractor built into your printer is remarkably easy to load andoperate. Its low-profile design takes up little space and can
Loading Continuous Paper1.Be sure that the printer is turned off.2.Pull the paper release lever forward to the push tractor position,which is the midd
4.Release the sprocket units by pulling the sprocket lock leversforward as shown below.5.Slide the left sprocket unit alllever back to lock it in plac
6.Slide the right sprocket unit so that it roughly matches the widthof your paper, but do not lock it.7.Move the paper support midway between the two
8.Open both sprocket covers.CAUTION: Make sure that the first sheet of paper has aclean, straight edge before inserting it into the printer.9.Fit the
10. Close the sprocket covers.11. Slide the right sprocket unit to a position where the paper isstraight and has no wrinkles. Then lock it in place.Pa
ContentsIntroduction1Features ...1Options...2About This Manual...
12. Reattach the paper guide on top of the paper as shown below.Note: For normal use, the paper thickness lever is set to position2. If you are using
14. Press the LOAD/EJECT button to feed paper to the loadingposition. Then press the ON LINE button to set the printer on lineso that it can accept da
Switching Between Continuous and Single SheetsEven with continuous paper loaded in the printer, the SmartParkfeature allows you to easily switch to si
2.Tear off any outgoing sheets. If the paper has advanced past theprint head, you need to press the FORM FEED button to advanceyour document to a poin
3.Press the LOAD/EJECT button to feed the continuous paperbackward out of the printer and into the standby position. Thepaper is still attached to the
4.Push the paper release lever back to the single-sheet position.5.Open the paper guide cover and lift the paper guide until itlocks into place.Paper
6.Move the left edge guide until it aligns with the guide mark.Adjust the right edge guide to match the width of your paper.7.Slide a sheet of paper d
1.Open the paper guide cover.2.Lift up slightly on the paper guide and then lower it onto theback of the printer.Paper Handling2-21
3.Pull the paper release lever forward to the push tractor position(the middle position), then close the paper guide cover.4.Press the LOAD/EJECT butt
Printing on Special PaperIn addition to printing on single sheets and continuous paper, yourprinter can also print on a wide variety of paper types, i
Chapter 4 Software and Graphics4-lEnhancing Your Printing...4-2Graphics...4-8User-defi
Note: For normal use, set the paper thickness lever to position 2on the scale.If you have installed the optional film ribbon cartridge, and youwant to
To change the paper thickness setting, follow these steps.1.Make sure that the printer is turned off. Then open the printercover and the paper guide c
3.Select the paper thickness you want according to the table at thebeginning of this section. For normal use, the lever shouldalways be set to positio
WARNING: Always return the lever to position 2 whenyou go back to printing on ordinary paper. Continuousprinting with the lever set at a position high
LabelsIf you need to print labels, always use labels mounted on acontinuous backing sheet with sprocket holes for use with a tractor.Do not try to pri
To eject labels from the printer, follow these steps:1.Open the paper guide cover and remove the paper guide.2.Tear off the sheet of labels at the per
3.Press the ON LINE button to set the printer off line. Then press theFORM FEED button to eject the labels.EnvelopesYou can feed envelopes individuall
CAUTION: The printable area for envelopes is shownbelow. The print head must not go past the left or rightedge of the envelope or other thick paper. M
Chapter 3Using the PrinterOperating the Control Panel...3-2Lights...3-2Buttons...
Operating the Control PanelThe indicator lights give you the current status of the printer. Thebuttons let you control many of the printer settings.Li
Chapter 9 Command Summary9-lData Flow Process... 9-2Using the Command Summary...9-3Commands in Nume
ButtonsON LINEThis button controls the printer’s on line and off line status. Pressthis button to put the printer on line or to take it off line. When
TEAR OFFPress this button to feed the perforation of continuous paper to thetear-off edge of the printer. After tearing off the paper, press thisbutto
Other Control Panel FeaturesThe control panel of your printer also gives you access to severalspecial functions.Self test:Both a draft and Letter Qual
Setting the DIP SwitchesThe printer has two sets of DIP (Dual Inline Package) switcheslocated inside the printer cover to the left of the control pane
3.Use a pointed object, such as a pen, to change the DIP switchsettings. A DIP switch is on when it is set toward the back of theprinter, and off when
DIP Switch 2Table 1 International character setsSee Selecting an International Character Set later in this chapter forother character sets.Internation
Table 2 Interface/parity selectionInterface type Parity SW 2-3 SW 2-4ParallelOFF OFFSerialEven ONOFFSerialOddOFF ONSerial None ON ONTable 3 Baud rate
The DIP Switch FunctionsCharacter sets and tablesDIP switches l-1, 1-2, and l-3 select an international character set ora code page table based on the
Skip over perforationBy changing the setting of DIP switch l-8, you can set skip overperforation to on or off. If this feature is on when using contin
Note: Most application programs take care of top and bottommargins. Use skip over perforation only if your program does notprovide these margins.The s
IntroductionThe Epson® LQ-860 is an advanced 24-pin impact dot matrix printer,combining high performance and reliability with a wide range offeatures.
Interface selection and communications parametersDIP switches 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, and 2-6 select communications parametersthat you need to set if you are u
Adjusting the Loading PositionThe Loading PositionThe loading position is the position of the paper when it has beenautomatically loaded by the printe
Using Micro-adjustment1.Make sure that the printer is turned on and that either a singlesheet or continuous paper is ready to be loaded.2.If you are u
3.The dots on the clear plastic ribbon mask show you where thebottom edge of your first line of text will print. This position isbased on the first pr
Using Short Tear-offYou can use the short tear-off feature in one of two ways. If DIPswitch 2-7 is on and the printer does not receive data for threes
When you have finished printing, and if the perforation is at the topof form position, the printer automatically feeds the perforation ofthe continuou
Using the TEAR OFF Button1.When you have finished printing, press the TEAR OFF buttononce. The orange TEAR OFF light comes on and the printer feedsthe
Adjusting the Tear-off PositionIf the paper’s perforation does not meet the tear-off edge, you canadjust the tear-off position using the micro-adjustm
Selecting TypestylesYou can produce a wide range of typestyles by selecting differentcharacter fonts, widths, and other enhancements from the SelecTyp
To select a font, press the FONT button until the font’s orangeindicator light comes on. Note that font selection skips over SLOT Aor SLOT B if no opt
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